My Female Apprentices Are All Big Shots From The Future (1st 25 chapter review), Is it worth reading?

You want to read My Female Apprentices Are All Big Shots From The Future because you saw a youtube commentary or maybe it was the name that caught your attention.

Whatever your reason was, but if you’re planing to give this manhua a try

and not sure if it will be of your liking or not.

Then my fellow cultivators and cheat skill holders you’re at the right place.

 I GeekWizard will give you an almost spoiler-free overlook of 1st 25 chapters of My Female Apprentices Are All Big Shots From The Future so that you can decide for yourself if this manhua cultivation scroll is for you or not.

(You should read this whole for better understanding, but if you want to then Click here to jump to the summary and conclusion section.)

(Disclaimer: This review is based on a personal opinion of GeekWizard after reading the 1st 25 chapters of “My Female Apprentices Are All Big Shots From The Future”, the manhua currently has more than 150 chapters which means the story may or may not have been changed to some extent after 25 chapters. Enjoy the rest of the review, happy cultivating)

#All the art used in this review is for reference purposes only and GeekWizard does not claim the ownership of any art used in this review all the rights belong to its rightful artists/publishers.

What is the plot of : My Female Apprentices Are All Big Shots From The Future


Countless gods and immortals were born from countless culttivation worlds, they destroyed the stars and ditermined the life and death of millions of creatures.

Due to continuous fights between Gods, Immortals, Worlds, and heavens the universe started to wither and many civilizations were destroyed in the process.

To save the universe and restore the timeline a new system ” Saint master system of all heaven ” was born.

Saint master system’s mission was to repair the wrong history that coused the distruction of the universe, and to do that it has to find a sutable host.

After many years of searching,

System finally found its host


The host – Chen Ye, is the strongest being in the universe, the god of gods, supreme ruler of all realms. The system is too weak to command the host.

Chen Ye, who was bored thought it is an intresting idea to travel back hundred thousand years in history


take in future big shots like a demon king, human empress, and other heavenly gods as his disciple and save the universe from destroying.

My Female Apprentices Are All Big Shots From The Future is the story of a system that wants to save the universe, the origin of all the future big shots of the universe

and how they met their master, the being above all.

What to expect from: My Female Apprentices Are All Big Shots From The Future

1. Overpowered Protagonist

Chen Ye is the strongest being in the whole universe, this statement alone is enough to tell you how overpowered our protagonist is.

He can make heavenly thunders in a second,

He can kill Demon god who was sealed 800 years ago with just a flick,

He makes the human emperor kneel,

and most important of all,

his own system is afraid of him, thus doesn’t give him any mission failure penalties.

GeekWizard thinks he has made it pretty clear how strong our protagonist is, but don’t worry, Chen Ye’s power doesn’t make the story boring. On contrary, you’ll find his overpowered-ness blending well with the story

2. System

Saint master system of all heaven is the strongest system in all realms.

Unlike most of the other systems which are just a screen, Saint master system is cute little golden angle loli. (FBI is still wacthing)

Although she could make any being in existence strongest, her host is already at the peak, so yeah, she’s pretty much useless for him.

You’ll find her giving character intro and general world information to Chen Ye, and doing cute things in the background.

3. Translation

It’s a manhua and just like many other Chinese webtoons, you’ll be needing some extra brain cells while reading this one.

The translation is not complete trash, it’s readable


sometimes it’s just bit difficult to understand.

So, if you’re someone who can’t enjoy a webtoon without a good translation then my fellow cultivators you should look for something else.

(A better translation version is available at, however there are only 15 chapters available)

4. Art

Art is just beautiful in My Female Apprentices Are All Big Shots From The Future

Power-ups are well drawn,

Chibi-Art is cute and adorable, you’ll going to love Huang JI Qianfan’s confused faces,

You’ll very much be going to enjoy the fight scenes with monsters, and

it’s a Manhua that doesn’t neglect world art, objects, building, and other non-living things are not made by cheap copy-paste method.

Although, the way one views the art changes from person to person, and is really difficult to tell with certainty that you’ll like it or not, for most of the part you’ll at least won’t be disappointed with My Female Apprentices Are All Big Shots From The Future manhua’s artwork.

5. Info dumping

Though, our MC is an all-knowing kind of god, but

his main objective is to teach his disciples who don’t know how they can become stronger and to do so Chen Ye will be teaching them many cultivation arts

type of realms that exist, and many more things.

So, be ready for many info-dumping types of chapters, sometimes it’s just a single panel, and sometimes it’s a whole chapter.

Where to read: My Female Apprentices Are All Big Shots From The Future

If you have decided to give this manhua a try and wondering where you can read it,

then worry not sect master GeekWizard is here to help. 

These are the sites you can read My Female Apprentices Are All Big Shots From The Future from:

  • (best translation, but only 15 chapters available)

(Disclaimer: GeekWizard or the sect of GeekWizard does not promote or trust these sites. These are the top 5 active sites on google where you can read My Female Apprentices Are All Big Shots From The Future Manhua .)


  1. The protagonist is overpowered and the strongest being.
  2. Saint master system is the strongest system and its host is Chen Ye.
  3. Chen Ye’s main objective in My Female Apprentices Are All Big Shots From The Future manhua is to go back a hundred thousand years back in history and take all the future big shots as his disciples.
  4. Beware of translation, it’s not absolute garbage, but a bit difficult to understand sometimes.
  5. You’ll enjoy the artwork of this webtoon don’t worry.
  6. There is lots of info-dumping.
  7. Pace of the story is modarate, and chapters are not too long.


So, should you read My Female Apprentices Are All Big Shots From The Future or not? Well, before we tell you that try to answer the question given below.

(Rule: every time you answer YES give yourself a +1 score.)

  • Are you looking for an OP god MC?
    • Yes
    • No
  • You are ok with bit low translation quality?
    • Yes
    • No
  • You want to read a manhua with some SS-level info dumping and a good plot?
    • Yes
    • No
  • You are ok with the Harem tag (there will be multiple female leads)?
    • Yes
    • No
  • You read this whole review that’s why you know what to do?
    • Yes- I’m a cultivator, I read the whole scroll.
    • No- I’m a simple person, I saw click here I clicked.

With that said if you have scored 3 or more in the above Q and A then you can give this manga a try, it will keep you entertained for hours.

Final thoughts, If you have made up your mind and will give My Female Apprentices Are All Big Shots From The Future a try then at least try 10-15 chapters 1st.

with that said, Happy reading and GeekWizard will see you cultivators in the next review.

Stop reading, review is already over 🙂

“Don’t Click here or you’ll be redirected to another review.”

— Taoist who only speaks the truth

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