Should you give “Kaiko Sareta Ankoku Heishi (30-Dai) No Slow Na Second Life” a read? (1st 25 Chapters review)

Kaiko Sareta Ankoku Heishi (30-Dai) No Slow Na Second Life

You stumble upon this manga by chance, or there was nothing else for you to read or maybe you saw something big on the cover art,

for whatever reason you are thinking of giving Kaiko Sareta Ankoku Heishi (30-Dai) No Slow Na Second Life a try, but not sure if it will be of your liking or just another trash and reading the comments are making you even more confused,

then you’re at the right place. I GeekWizard will give you an almost spoiler-free overlook of 1st 25 chapters of Kaiko Sareta Ankoku Heishi (30-Dai) No Slow Na Second Life manga series so that you can decide for yourself if this manga is for you or not.

(You should read this whole for better understanding, but if you want to then Click here to jump to the conclusion section.)

(Disclaimer: This review is based on a personal opinion of GeekWizard after reading the 1st 25 chapters of “Kaiko Sareta Ankoku Heishi (30-Dai) No Slow Na Second Life “, the manga currently has more than 40 chapters which means the story may or may not have been changed to some extent after 25 chapters. With that said, enjoy the rest of the review, happy cultivating)

#All the art used in this review is for reference purposes only and GeekWizard does not claim the ownership of any art used in this review all the rights belong to its rightful artists/publishers.

What is the plot of “Kaiko Sareta Ankoku Heishi (30-Dai) No Slow Na Second Life”?

It’s the story of Dariel, a dark soldier (lowest rank soldier) of the demon king army and also the adviser of 4 heavenly kings (the strongest of the demon king army),

one day 3 kings out of 4 decided to fire him from the ranks of the demon king army because he was the demon who can’t even use the basic magic skills and hence considered useless.

Don’t know what to do after being fired Dariel was roaming aimlessly in the jungle where he met with a beautiful human girl Marika whom he saved from a monster.

Marika to show her gratitude for saving her life invited Dariel to her village without knowing the fact that Dariel is a demon.

Kaiko Sareta Ankoku Heishi (30-Dai) No Slow Na Second Life is a story of an ex-dark soldier of the demon king army and how he spends his days in a village full of humans, his ex-enemies.

The main focus of the plot of this manga is a slice of life,

it shows the day-to-day life of Dariel and how he adjusts to this new life of his. So, there is no complex story structure and conspiracy going on and there are no high-stack battles, though there are villains and people who just can’t live without face-slap they are not the main driving factors of the plot.

What Kaiko Sareta Ankoku Heishi (30-Dai) No Slow Na Second Life really offers is wholesome moments, a cute waifu, sometimes annoying sometimes funny cast, comedy, and fanservice lots of fanservice (GeekWizard has no issues).

Thinking of giving this slice of life a try, but will you really going to enjoy a manga or not depends more on its art than its plot.

If the plot is just ok-ok but the manga art is beautiful readers will still going to stick around and read it for many more chapters,

but if the art is not up to the mark then no matter how unique the plot is readers will still drop it after a few chapters, why?

because those wow that character looks awesome or she looks kawai moments are what create real magic when you read a visual comic. So, here is what GeekWizard thinks of the art style used in Kaiko Sareta Ankoku Heishi (30-Dai) No Slow Na Second Life:

1. World Art

According to GeekWizard world art is anything a character interacts with directly or indirectly, the mountains, the castle, the clouds, the guild, and even systems are part of the world art.

Although world art is an important component of mangas, many mangakas just ignore it, use copy-past methods (copy the art from some old manga and past it to the new one), and don’t even try to hide it, creating an unfinished manhwa/manhua/manga and cheapening the reading experience.


the world art in “Kaiko Sareta Ankoku Heishi (30-Dai) No Slow Na Second Life” does not hinder your reading, the original art is pretty good, and the action scenes or the time when a character’s power-ups are decent enough to hook the readers.

It’s not the best world art you’ll be going to see in any manga but it’s fairly good and doesn’t affect your reading.

2. Character Art

The character art is anything at represents life form in a manga/manhwa/manhua and there is no denying that almost all manga/manhua/manhwa ticks all the boxes of this section. This manga is another example of great character art.

Marika (the female lead) is drawn beautifully, GeekWizard enjoyed almost every scene she was in (mostly because of the fanservice but let’s not talk about that).

Marika is a very energetic and cheerful character and her character design shows her traits in a very convincing manner.

Apart from Marika, every main cast has uniqueness in their art design, especially the older characters.

The artwork in this manga is good enough so readers don’t have to worry about bad art.

What to expect from the protagonist?

Dariel is the protagonist of a slice-of-life manga which makes him a pure-hearted soul. Dariel just want to live his life in peace while doing his daily tasks and killing is not one of them, the reader may think of him as naive or trash but GeekWizard thinks those readers are just reading the wrong genre.

Dariel is not dense so the reader won’t be disappointed in that sector. In fact, throughout the series, readers will feel butterflies in their stomachs.

Even though he was fired from the demon army for being useless, Dariel is quite powerful. He’s not the strongest being in Kaiko Sareta Ankoku Heishi (30-Dai) No Slow Na Second Life manga but still powerful enough to protect his loved ones.

Where to read “Kaiko Sareta Ankoku Heishi (30-Dai) No Slow Na Second Life”?

If you have decided to give this manhwa a try and wondering where you can read it, then worry not sect master GeekWizard is here to help. These are the sites you can read Kaiko Sareta Ankoku Heishi (30-Dai) No Slow Na Second Life from:


(Disclaimer: GeekWizard or the sect of GeekWizard does not promote or trust these sites. These are the top 5 active sites on google where you can read Kaiko Sareta Ankoku Heishi (30-Dai) No Slow Na Second Life Manga .)

Quick Summary

  1. “Kaiko Sareta Ankoku Heishi (30-Dai) No Slow Na Second Life” is a slice-of-life manga.
  2. The story follows the ex-dark soldier of the demon king army, Dariel, who was fired for being useless.
  3. Dariel meets a human girl named Marika and starts living in her village.
  4. The plot focuses on Dariel’s daily life and how he adjusts to living with humans.
  5. The story is not complex and does not have high-stakes battles.
  6. The manga offers wholesome moments, a cute waifu, and comedy.
  7. There is fanservice in the manga.
  8. The art style is good, both world and character art.
  9. Marika’s character is drawn beautifully and her energy and cheerfulness are depicted convincingly.
  10. The main cast has uniqueness in their art design, especially the older characters.
  11. Dariel is a powerful character who can protect his loved ones.
  12. Dariel is not dense, and readers will feel butterflies in their stomachs.
  13. The manga is recommended for readers who enjoy slice-of-life and fanservice.
  14. The plot is not the driving force, but the art is good enough to keep readers hooked.
  15. Overall, “Kaiko Sareta Ankoku Heishi (30-Dai) No Slow Na Second Life” offers a light-hearted and enjoyable read.


Q1. Are you a fan of wholesome slice-of-life stories?

Q2. Do you enjoy manga with good art and character designs?

Q3. Are you okay with occasional fanservice in a manga?

Q4. Do you appreciate a cute and cheerful female lead?

Q5. Are you interested in a manga that offers a unique take on a former demon soldier’s daily life with humans?

If you answered “YES” to 3 or more of these questions, then “Kaiko Sareta Ankoku Heishi (30-Dai) No Slow Na Second Life” may just be the manga for you!

This slice-of-life story follows Dariel, a former dark soldier of the demon king army who finds himself adjusting to life with humans after being fired for being useless.

The story focuses on Dariel’s daily life and his relationship with a human girl named Marika.

While the plot is not complex and does not feature high-stakes battles, the manga offers wholesome moments, comedy, and occasional fanservice.

The art style is well-done, particularly the world and character art. Marika is a charming and lively character, and the older characters have unique designs.

Overall, “Kaiko Sareta Ankoku Heishi (30-Dai) No Slow Na Second Life” offers an enjoyable and light-hearted read for fans of slice-of-life and fanservice. Give it a try and see if you fall in love with Dariel’s second chance at life!

Happy Read 😉

-Big foot

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